Cukurova Kaymakamligi

Çukurova is a district in Adana, province of Turkey. It is a modern residential district, came into being in the last 30 years as the city expanded north. Çukurova Governorship is the local authority which coordinates relationship among all public body. Educational Directorate of National Education which is directly related to all kinds of educational activities in our district. Directorate of Agriculture, Directorate of Population, District Police Department, District Directorate of youth services and sports, etc. are running under the control of our governorship.
The Educational Directorate of NA includes a total number of 103 official institutions.Twenty-eight of them are elementary, and 29 high schools. There are 230 schools, 3821 staffs and 85820 students in our region running under the control of our governorship. One of our mission is to develop education- teaching process by following modern innovations and advances,by carrying out researches ; to improve and to implement laws and other regulations through the general goals and fundamental principles of National Education System and to cooperate all social body established in our district.